Thursday, October 18, 2018

A Polish Spell to Bring a Year of Financial Prosperity!

This is a great spell of prosperity that I found from a brilliant Polish witch. You can read the untranslated text here.

We need two yellow candles, a half jar of honey, a red ribbon and three coins. Place the coins in a jar, turn off the lid and tie the ribbon on three knots. As you tie each knot, you will beg for financial prosperity. The jar is put aside in any place and the candles are to be smoked for three days.

Does magic work? Does this spell make any sense?

Enchantment - acting in magic, consisting of performing specific movements and uttering certain words, aimed at partially shaping reality. The spell can also be an affirmation, because according to one of the magic models, the spell is supposed to influence the subconscious. Ritual spells are sometimes sung or recited.
The concept of magic was with humanity from the beginning of history. You can find archives of cavemen that performed rituals to make it easier to hunt. Different peoples tried to explain phenomena occurring in the world around them and then influence them for their benefit. If you read Greek, Roman or Norse mythology, then you understand how they tried attributing natural events to supernatural entities. While those events are now better explained by science, we have discovered that magic does have a real place in our lives.

That is why the currently known magical practices are very diverse - they postulate significantly different rules of functioning of the reality and methods of influencing it. However, you can group them into several models of magic functioning:

Spiritual model

This is probably the oldest model of magic, occurring primarily in shamanism. It assumes the existence of the Underworld inhabited by spiritual beings, such as ghosts, demons and angels. Depending on the specific magic system, the magician either enters (usually only with the mind - thanks to trance or ecstasy) to the underworld and travels through it taking magical actions, or it creates a closed area (eg a circle) in which he invokes the spiritual world or its inhabitants. In the latter case, the spirit either performs the entrusted tasks by influencing the material world from the Underworld, or also possesses a magician, who thus gains additional possibilities of action.

All magical activities are actually performed by spiritual beings, the magician must convince them or force them to obey their will. This is done through prayers, promises of ministry, taking on certain taboos, and even intimidation with spells or spiritual "superiors" of a given being.

Examples of magic systems that use this model are, for example, shamanism, theurgy and goethe. The advocates of this model can be mentioned, for example, Salomon, John Dee, and more recent - Aleister Crowley.

Energy model

This model is probably not much newer than the spiritual model. It assumes that the visible world is permeated with the ubiquitous life energy, called in different cultures: prana, qi, ki, mana, vril, and in Europe: vis vitalis, magnetic fluid etc. Processes taking place in the visible world are, according to this model, the effect of these energies subtle, and magical actions rely on manipulating the energy flow to produce the desired effect in a macro scale. Similarly to the previous model, also here uses a magical trance that silences part of the mind using logic, so that the magician perceives and acts only intuitively.
This model is mainly used by Eastern magic and occult systems: Huna, most of the varieties of yoga, traditional Chinese medicine and Feng shui, Reiki, as well as martial arts, especially Taijiquan and Qigong. In the Western tradition, this model appears for the first time in Mesmer's concept of animal magnetism, and then in Blavatsky's theosophy. On a large scale, it was popularized by the New Age movement.

Psychological model

This model basically does not explain how magic works, but only maintains that the subconscious is responsible for the magical actions and can be programmed to achieve the desired changes. This programming is done by using symbols and self-suggestion in a state of mind that Buddhists call samadhi, and chaos is gnosis. The magician based on this model does not need in practice magic magical beings or subtle energy - it is enough for him to program in the mental state of mental states. In practice, however, it often happens that magicians using this model of magic take on the existence of ghosts or energy, which would allow them, for example, to load sigils with energy in order to strengthen or accelerate their operation.

The most-known magician who used the magic of this model was Austin Osman Spare, whose magic sigils is basically the reverse of the theory of Freud complexes. It consists in the fact that the magician focuses his intention on the sigil, that is, the graphic or sound symbol he created, and then he forgets about it (means he removes it from consciousness). Sigil, however, stays in the subconscious, where he creates an artificial complex that begins to influence the magician's actions in a manner similar to the usual fears pushed into the subconscious.

The psychological model of magic became popular first in the English-speaking world, in the 70s of the last century to become the dominant magic paradigm in the western cultural circle - we read further about magic in Wikipedia.

Magic is interested in millions of people in the world. Does it work, it's just a matter of faith ...

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