Friday, September 28, 2018

What is the Difference Between White and Black Magic?

There has been a lot of talk lately about magic and its benefits. More and more people are coming with witches, fortune tellers and shamans believing that they will help make their life better. Ordinary people think that the "blessings" obtained through magic are obtained through white rituals that do not harm anyone. But is that true? Is there a difference between black magic and white magic?

Before we begin to define the differences between black and white magic, let's define what magic is. According to the dictionary of the Real Academia de la Lengua EspaƱola (Royal Academy of the Spanish Language), magic is understood as: "Art or occult science with which it is intended to produce, (using certain acts or words, or with the intervention of imaginable beings) results contrary to those of natural laws.

The above definition is pretty lousy, so we will give a better explanation. We understand that magic is the art of obtaining something through "unknown natural laws", making changes that make the practioner's life better.

White magic involves spells that have positive impacts on the witch or others they are trying to help. It includes protection spells, good luck spells and invocations. White magic is generally with the help of incense smoke, which are made to conjure the magicians' protective entities. If you are still confused, you can read a primer on white magic here. It is written in Spanish, but is one of the best I have seen. You can use Google Translate if you are not a native speaker like me.  In black magic, sacrifices are made and spells are used for binding or harm.

Many Christians would disagree. They see no distinction between white and black magic. They believe that magic - whether black or white - draws its power from the same sources - divinely forbidden demonic powers that influence the magician both outside himself and inside his being and can lead to a state of alienation.

Magic seeks to connect with a source of power controlled by ritual or formula. The Bible indicates that there is no legitimate, wholesome source of magical power and discredits all magic equally.

According to ocultists, black magic is defined as liturgical acts whose nature, methods, or objectives are not commonly accepted by the society in which they occur.

Black magic is a spell, and is obtained by performing rituals that produce misfortune, disease, or other harm. While white magic is used for healing and other purposes.

According to occult definitions, white magic brings beneficial results such as: healing, prosperity, blessings, material goods, etc. While black magic is used to for harmful purposes, such as getting revenge against an enemy or cursing a competitor.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Protection Spell from Romanian White Witch Amelia Matei

I recently shared some great tips from a Latvian witch on protecting against black magic. A witch from Romania, named Amelia Matei has shared some as well. Some of her tips require a belief in God, but others are secular. 

Here is what she has said.

If you feel like someone has spooked you or is making you crazy, you may be a victim of black magic. You need to protect yourself! Here are some proven tips to shield you from ill magic.

Some people place curses on others or make spells to do them harm. You do not have to be a witch to protect yourself from evil energies. 

First of all, it is important to believe in the Divinity and to trust that God will not allow you to be touched by evil. 
Curses, spells, or any other black magic practice should not be ignored, because they have a dark energy that can attack you. The good news is that you have the power to stop them. 

It is very important to get rid of thoughts of vengeance when you realize that someone wants your evil. Pray for yourself and that person. You will see how you feel more peaceful. Meditation is just as effective as it will help you find inner peace and strengthen you. You can also wear amulets that keep the bad spirits and the bad guy away.

Strengthen your spiritual shield

Another way to keep you from spells, spells, and evil is to know how to use the spiritual shield that everyone has. Cleaning your aura every day can protect your chakras from any type of black magic. Meditation or watching a bright light for 1-2 minutes a day are great ways to clean your aura.

Use salt

Salt is a mineral whose purifying properties have been known for thousands of years. It functions like a barrier against black magic. All you have to do is sprinkle salt around your house or around the corners if you stay in an apartment and no bad energy will touch you.

You laugh a lot

You do not have to laugh at the black magic specifically. However, laughter in general creates positive energy that can shield you from it.
Spells are the manifestation of energy, just like laughter and good will. Opposing energies neutralize one another when they clash. Laughing is a good way to neutralize the effects of black magic.

Use the magic of the mirrors

Mirrors turn black magic to the one who did it. During the night, leave a candle or a black lamp lit in front of the mirror. The black lamp will negate the negative energy and the mirror will redirect the remaining remnants to the evil witch that cast it. It is important, however, not to look in the mirror when the candle burns. After finishing the ritual, blow out the candle and bury the debris. Put the mirror aside and don't look directly into it again until you can clean it with salt. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Latvian White Witch Shares Tips to Protect Against Black Magic

All cultures have been touched by the negative energies of black magic. They have all been forced to develop powerful spells to resist it. A great witch from Latvia shared some valuable protection magic that you can use. I had to translate their spell. The spell isn't written verbatim, because I had to clean up the copy a bit. But here are the general steps.

Protection Spell: Courtesy of a Seasoned White Witch

Unfortunately, it is hard to get rid of curses without knowing and destroying the source. Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can do to protect against them, even if you can't get rid of it completely. The evil guards will be powerless if you weaken their energy. So try a few simple protection steps below. 
Keep your guard up!
1) Always wear a cross.The cross must be blessed by a priest without anyone else watching. The chain cross must be long enough to extend to the top of your chest.
2) Enhance energy. Go into nature often. Wooded areas are the best. There are large trees in the woods. Oak, linden and birch all protect against the power of black magic. First, find a tree and ask it to give you strength and energy. If you ask nicely, the tree will understand your perils and grant protection. Thank the tree and leave. Walk in nature on bare feet, especially in the sand on the beach and by the sea. Enjoy the sun and let the wind carass your face. The wind and sun will fill you with energy. Your energy field will become stronger, so the black magic will no longer be able to overcome you.
3) Clenching hands and feet. This is the easiest way to protect yourself from strangers and hostile ones. It shows you are too resilient to fall victim to their magic. 
Clean the energy field every day. You can simply say: "Everything my energy is drained to someone else. Let it come back to me." It can also be used in moments when it seems that someone has just thought of you. You can tell the sentence as often as you want. The more frequently, you say it, the more effective it will be. It even protects you against your own feelings of self-humiliation.
1. Imagine a mirror in front of you. Picture its surface being directed outwards, not towards you. Put an imaginary mirror in place whenever you have to struggle with evil magic.
2. To protect the house,and your possessions, You will need a clear, glass bowl filled with clean water. Maybe it will also protect the Garnish.
3. Regularly clean the house! Purifying your soul and spirit isn't enough! You must remove negative energies by cleaning your home too. Remove the clutter and wash all surfaces with water  and natural cleaning products. This room is released from bad energy.
4. Lay candles . They also burn and destroy bad energy. Burn a candle in your home at least once a week and walk around the house with it. Start with the exterior doors and walk the whole house. Stay on the right side. Walk near roofed doors, windows and corners. Ignite it whenever it is starting to fade - the candle should not blow away! Otherwise, all the burnt bad energy will come back to you. Candle flames can also be used for innocent spells.Burn it when you feel bad, tired or you want to ask for it. The bad energy will burn in the flame, but what you ask will come true.
5. Do not hold on a table knife unless you are using it . It will bring negative energy into your home. Keep all sharp objects in a special tray, pallet, board or rack.
6. Use energetic stones to protect you from evil and attract good luck and money. Bathe them in salt water. When the stones are cleaned, you will want to keep them somewhere that will be easy to access when you want to repel evil magic. 
7. Protect your grieving colleagues and the frustrated boss. It may be difficult to accept their angry comments. But you will need to do so to remove negative energies. Allow them to get upset, but try to calm them down after. Don't let their negative energies fester or feed their anger. 
8. Work at a table alone. It is also a great way to clean your workplace and avoid bad magic. This means that any negative magic will pass over you. This is a lesser known but powerful way to reduce the power of evil magic.

Friday, September 21, 2018

3 Tips to Become Clairvoyant

If we talk about clairvoyance, or simply about clairvoyance, surely many will imagine the typical fortune-teller with big gold earrings, foreign accent and her ability to observe the future in front of a crystal ball. Many will wonder if magic really works, but what they don't know is that magic is closer than they can imagine, even within themselves, and that it is therefore possible to develop those skills with a little dedication.

In addition, nothing special is needed to develop the power to see the future for oneself. We just have to explore the different techniques and methodologies until we find the one that best suits us.

The word clairvoyance, which etymologically speaking is linked to "seeing with clarity", is the faculty possessed by those people capable of seeing the truth, both in the past and in the present and future.

Many seers have this gift since birth, however, with a little training, it is possible to develop these skills in not too long.

These clues will help you to know if you really have a predisposition to become a seer:

You have had a very real dream that has come true.
You have lost something and you have been able to find it because an image of where it was has come to your mind.
You have been able to predict some action, such as what floor a neighbor gets off the elevator.
You have received a mental image of someone who soon finds you or calls you.
These experiences can be called "clairvoyance," and they are very normal and more frequent than you can imagine.

In addition, we can take advantage of it to the point of considerably improving our overall quality of life, so learning to develop this psychic power will not only make you surprising, but also someone with a very useful tool for everyday life.

Clairvoyance is a faculty that can be improved and made more powerful, but, like everything else, it needs to be learned and put into practice so that, in a short time, you can be able to guess what is going to happen.

1. Don't be afraid to see the future

Most adult seers began to have their first clairvoyant experiences during childhood. For a person who discovers these kinds of powers at such an early age, it's no wonder that it's as strange as it is frightening, so it's normal for them to "ignore" their ability to protect themselves.

If we talk about clairvoyance, or simply about clairvoyance, surely many will imagine the typical fortune-teller with big gold earrings, foreign accent and her ability to observe the future in front of a crystal ball. Many will wonder if magic really works, but what they don't know is that magic is closer than they can imagine, even within themselves, and that it is therefore possible to develop those skills with a little dedication.

In addition, nothing special is needed to develop the power to see the future for oneself. We just have to explore the different techniques and methodologies until we find the one that best suits us.

The word clairvoyance, which etymologically speaking is linked to "seeing with clarity", is the faculty possessed by those people capable of seeing the truth, both in the past and in the present and future.

Many seers have this gift since they are born, however, with a little training, it is possible to develop these skills in not too long.

These clues will help you to know if you really have a predisposition to become a seer:

You have had a very real dream that has come true.
You have lost something and you have been able to find it because an image of where it was has come to your mind.
You have been able to predict some action, such as what floor a neighbor gets off the elevator.
You have received a mental image of someone who soon finds you or calls you.
These experiences can be called "clairvoyance," and they are very normal and more frequent than you can imagine.

In addition, we can take advantage of it to the point of considerably improving our overall quality of life, so learning to develop this psychic power will not only make you surprising, but also someone with a very useful tool for everyday life.

Clairvoyance is a faculty that can be improved and made more powerful, but, like everything else, it needs to be learned and put into practice so that, in a short time, you can be able to guess what is going to happen.

1. Don't be afraid to see the future

Most adult seers began to have their first clairvoyant experiences during childhood. For a person who discovers this kind of power at such an early age, it is no wonder that it is as strange as it is frightening, so it is normal for them to "ignore" their ability to protect themselves.
It is important that we get rid of that feeling of fear of knowing the future. One of the best ways to do this is by sitting somewhere comfortable and quiet, and meditating with the intention of making clear our willingness to take away from us the fear of seeing our own future.

2. Ask your question directly
In order to get concrete answers, we must ask concrete questions. We must choose our words well when formulating our questions. We should not try to deceive ourselves. Do not be afraid and add to your question as many details as you wish to know.

3. Take a deep breath and focus on your Third Eye

After asking your question, take three slow, deep breaths. Then concentrate on the area between your eyes. Here is the so-called Third Eye, also known as the chakra, which is responsible for activating your psychic powers.

While doing the breathing exercise you should strive to see an oval shape that rests in the area between your eyes. See if your Third Eye is open, between open and completely closed.

Our goal is to open it, so it is important that we make clear our manifestation of wanting to do so. When you do, you will experience a sense of peace and well-being that you may not have felt for a long time.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Spell for Good Luck

We had the opportunity to interview the psychic Maria Trinidad "Santa" and she gave us some tips to prepare our lucky ritual with easy-to-get homemade products. The ritual consists of 2 parts: The first part consists of detaching from the negative, and the second consists of attracting good luck.Then the steps to follow and products that you should have on hand for this ritual.


1. Detach from negativity:

  • Materials:

  • Steps to follow:

    • Pass the chicken egg all over the body, being careful not to break it. Start by the head, move it by the arms and the rest of the body until it ends in the feet
    • Put in a bag and throw it in the trash
    • DO NOT look back while and once you deposit it in the zafacon
  • Steps to follow:

    • Pass the chicken egg all over the body, being careful not to break it. Start by the head, move it by the arms and the rest of the body until it ends in the feet
    • Put in a bag and throw it in the trash
    • DO NOT look back while and once you deposit it in the zafacon

2. Attract good luck:

  • Materials:

    • 3 teaspoons of black sugar
    • 3 teaspoons of white sugar
    • 3 teaspoons of honey
    • 3 cinnamon sticks or 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
    • 1 branch of parsley
    • Water
    • Steps to follow:

      • Mix black sugar, white sugar and honey
      • Boil 1 gallon of water, cinnamon and add the mixture of sugars and honey
      • Add the parsley branch
      • Once this mixture boils, turn off and proceed to add water at room temperature until reaching a temperature that you can use to bathe
      • Proceed to "bathe" with the water. Important to cover your head
    • And to keep good luck you can prepare a bag with the following:

      • Materials:

        • Sesame
        • Cinnamon
        • Corn
        • Rice
  • Steps to follow:

    • Take a little of each of the ingredients and put them in a small bag of accessories
    • Carry this "bag" prepared in the purse or handbag

Have a positive year 2018 full of very good energies!

Spells to Grow Hair

Do you want to get beautiful hair in a short time? Your answer is yes, it is time that you put your hands to the work and do any of the following spells to grow hair. You will use the power of magic to make magic masks that will help you get that mane, long strong and bright that you so desire.
Most women want beautiful hair, but the truth is that not all of them run with such luck due to various problems. What if hair loss, split ends, dryness, dandruff among others. Whatever your problem, you should only faithfully perform any of the following rituals.
It is ideal after performing any ritual that begins to use hair treatments that are based on fruits and plants. In this way, it will help the natural growth of your mane. When you perform a ritual and take care of your hair with only natural products, you will have the solution in your hands to get a beautiful mane. Take note of the following easy rituals.

Spell with flaxseed to grow hair

If you need a little help at this time because your hair is everywhere you go. What if on the pillow, the brush, the sink and the floor, it's time to take control of the situation before it's too late. Fortunately, there is a ritual with eggs that will help you stop hair loss and will help your hair grow perfectly on your head.
Essential materials:
  • 1 egg
  • 1 Tablespoon flaxseed oil
  • 1 Little lemon juice
  • 1 Little culantrillo
  • 1 teaspoon of lavender oil
  • 1 Glass container
  • 1 Little rain water

Realization of the spell for hair

This type of spells to grow hair should be done on a sunny, fallen and cool day. Start by washing your hair very well, avoid using any type of product for sawn or something like that. Just make sure the hair is clean . Then, massage the scalp with the fingertips and brush the hair a hundred times.
Take the candle, place it on a plate on a table and light it with matches. In the bowl pour the egg, the linseed oil. The lemon juice, the maidenhair fern (leaves fern), lavender oil and mix all the ingredients.When you get a homogeneous mixture, take with your hand, rub on the scalp and the length of the hair to saturate it completely.
Then, place a plastic bag in your hair and let it act for 1 hour. When the time passes, wash with your shampoo of daily use and use rainwater to rinse .
After performing this spell, avoid applying heat to the hair, using the iron, dryer or using intensive products so that you have the best results.

Spell with yogurt to grow hair

To perform this type of spells to grow hair you must have the necessary faith in the powers of magic and with adequate concentration. It requires a calm mind, without worry or stress for the performance of the ritual. In the middle of the ritual he will prepare a mask that he should apply to his hair and he should recite some magic prayers to make the hair grow.
Essential materials:
  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Natural yogurt
  • 1 Teaspoon of sunflower or saffron oil
  • 1 Strand of your hair
  • 1 Melon
  • 1 Glass bowl
  • 1 Box of wooden matches

Steps for the realization of the spell

Wait the night for the realization of this spell to grow hair. First, light the white candle with the wooden matches, just light with a match and do not use a lighter.
Grab the melon, take out 4 spoons of the fruit, pour in the glass bowl, add the lock of hair and crush everything while reciting the following: "Adorn my beautiful hair with your powerful splendor and bring me the exquisite flow of a natural torrent"
Then pour the sunflower or saffron oil into the previous preparation. In case your hair is oily, avoid the oil and change for a spoonful of lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients while reciting the following: "Link your way through clearings and mountains today, weaving plaits of silver shine"
List the previous sentence, pour the natural yogurt, mix everything very well and apply this mask on your hair from the scalp to the ends. At the end of the application, recite the following:   "He has already been ordered, so be it"
Then, cover all the hair with a bath towel, relax for about 15 minutes so that the preparation acts on the hair. When the corresponding time passes, wash the hair as usual and ready.

Spell with the Goddess Annubis for hair

In this type of ritual invokes the powerful God Annubis to help him get that beautiful hair he wants .You just have to continue with each of the steps and budget to have the faith so that you have the best results in a short time.
Essential materials:
  • 5 Petals of red rose
  • 1 Tuft of your hair
  • 1 Paper envelope

Steps for the realization of the spell

If you want this type of spell to make your hair grow effective, you must do it in the full moon phase.
Start by cutting a lock of your hair, a few hairs only. Pour the lock of hair into the envelope, add the 5 rose petals and close very well.
Take the envelope with the materials to the patio of the house or to a place where the rays of the moon arrive. Close your eyes, breathe gently, relax for about 20 seconds and imagine how your long, beautiful hair grows.
Then, he recites with great faith the following: "God Annubis, I know that I have long since lost my connection with you, I have broken my covenant with the spirit and for this reason my hair has stopped growing. That is why I come to you today with all respect, I beg you to help me with my request. Today under the light of this immense full moon, I implore you to give my life back to my hair. I promise that I will conserve my energy and love my own being. I give you my word to take charge of my destiny. I promise you an unconditional and eternal smile.
Oh! My powerful Goddess Annubis, I ask that only suitable people be suitable for me. Help me to have the right concoctions attracted to me so that the wisdom of my body activates again. And above all I implore you to make my hair grow vigorously. "
When you finish reciting the previous sentence, take the lock, the petals and throw them in the wind to finish making this type of spells to make the hair grow .

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A fantastic spell of seduction

Love is an important area in our lives, those who already have it are fortunate, but for those who still seek it, here we tell you rituals and amulets to call the love of your life: Find love: It is more effective if you do it at full moon, it is also important that you believe in what you do and concentrate, remember that energy plays a very important role. You need a white, orange and red candle, roses, orange blossom water, an amethyst stone and ground cinnamon. Place the orange candle on the left side, the white candle in the center and on the right side the red candle, around the candles make a circle with the petals of the roses and sprinkle the orange blossom water. Sit and put in front of you the amethyst or any other semiprecious stone and throw the ground cinnamon on it. Wait until the candles are consumed and keep the stone, always carry it with you. Lemon for love:   The lemon, although it is acid, is an excellent element to attract and maintain love and happiness, this ritual is very simple to do. You need three small lemons that are green and not so yellow and a glass for wine, you must put the three lemons inside the empty glass (that's why they must be small) and put the glass inside your room, the lemon calls for love. Change the lemons when they begin to turn yellow, keep in mind that they should always be 3 or maximum 5 lemons, but in odd number. Honey and Cinnamon for Seduction: Love and seduction always go hand in hand, so this simple ritual is ideal to attract love to your life, perform it in a crescent moon, set the ritual with soft and romantic music. You need a cup of water, four spoons of honey, four spoons of cinnamon powder, one pink candle, one white and one red, five drops of your perfume and a sandalwood incense. Mix the water, honey, cinnamon and drops of your perfume, light candles and incense, bathe normally and at the end, pour the mixture of water on the shoulders and let it fall all over the body, wait a few minutes to dry and then rinse the body commonly, it is important that in your mind you have only positive things so that your energy also plays an important role. Repeat this ritual once a month.