Friday, September 21, 2018

3 Tips to Become Clairvoyant

If we talk about clairvoyance, or simply about clairvoyance, surely many will imagine the typical fortune-teller with big gold earrings, foreign accent and her ability to observe the future in front of a crystal ball. Many will wonder if magic really works, but what they don't know is that magic is closer than they can imagine, even within themselves, and that it is therefore possible to develop those skills with a little dedication.

In addition, nothing special is needed to develop the power to see the future for oneself. We just have to explore the different techniques and methodologies until we find the one that best suits us.

The word clairvoyance, which etymologically speaking is linked to "seeing with clarity", is the faculty possessed by those people capable of seeing the truth, both in the past and in the present and future.

Many seers have this gift since birth, however, with a little training, it is possible to develop these skills in not too long.

These clues will help you to know if you really have a predisposition to become a seer:

You have had a very real dream that has come true.
You have lost something and you have been able to find it because an image of where it was has come to your mind.
You have been able to predict some action, such as what floor a neighbor gets off the elevator.
You have received a mental image of someone who soon finds you or calls you.
These experiences can be called "clairvoyance," and they are very normal and more frequent than you can imagine.

In addition, we can take advantage of it to the point of considerably improving our overall quality of life, so learning to develop this psychic power will not only make you surprising, but also someone with a very useful tool for everyday life.

Clairvoyance is a faculty that can be improved and made more powerful, but, like everything else, it needs to be learned and put into practice so that, in a short time, you can be able to guess what is going to happen.

1. Don't be afraid to see the future

Most adult seers began to have their first clairvoyant experiences during childhood. For a person who discovers these kinds of powers at such an early age, it's no wonder that it's as strange as it is frightening, so it's normal for them to "ignore" their ability to protect themselves.

If we talk about clairvoyance, or simply about clairvoyance, surely many will imagine the typical fortune-teller with big gold earrings, foreign accent and her ability to observe the future in front of a crystal ball. Many will wonder if magic really works, but what they don't know is that magic is closer than they can imagine, even within themselves, and that it is therefore possible to develop those skills with a little dedication.

In addition, nothing special is needed to develop the power to see the future for oneself. We just have to explore the different techniques and methodologies until we find the one that best suits us.

The word clairvoyance, which etymologically speaking is linked to "seeing with clarity", is the faculty possessed by those people capable of seeing the truth, both in the past and in the present and future.

Many seers have this gift since they are born, however, with a little training, it is possible to develop these skills in not too long.

These clues will help you to know if you really have a predisposition to become a seer:

You have had a very real dream that has come true.
You have lost something and you have been able to find it because an image of where it was has come to your mind.
You have been able to predict some action, such as what floor a neighbor gets off the elevator.
You have received a mental image of someone who soon finds you or calls you.
These experiences can be called "clairvoyance," and they are very normal and more frequent than you can imagine.

In addition, we can take advantage of it to the point of considerably improving our overall quality of life, so learning to develop this psychic power will not only make you surprising, but also someone with a very useful tool for everyday life.

Clairvoyance is a faculty that can be improved and made more powerful, but, like everything else, it needs to be learned and put into practice so that, in a short time, you can be able to guess what is going to happen.

1. Don't be afraid to see the future

Most adult seers began to have their first clairvoyant experiences during childhood. For a person who discovers this kind of power at such an early age, it is no wonder that it is as strange as it is frightening, so it is normal for them to "ignore" their ability to protect themselves.
It is important that we get rid of that feeling of fear of knowing the future. One of the best ways to do this is by sitting somewhere comfortable and quiet, and meditating with the intention of making clear our willingness to take away from us the fear of seeing our own future.

2. Ask your question directly
In order to get concrete answers, we must ask concrete questions. We must choose our words well when formulating our questions. We should not try to deceive ourselves. Do not be afraid and add to your question as many details as you wish to know.

3. Take a deep breath and focus on your Third Eye

After asking your question, take three slow, deep breaths. Then concentrate on the area between your eyes. Here is the so-called Third Eye, also known as the chakra, which is responsible for activating your psychic powers.

While doing the breathing exercise you should strive to see an oval shape that rests in the area between your eyes. See if your Third Eye is open, between open and completely closed.

Our goal is to open it, so it is important that we make clear our manifestation of wanting to do so. When you do, you will experience a sense of peace and well-being that you may not have felt for a long time.

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